Conversation Between OUDeep and Acetaminophen
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. OUDeep
    06-21-2016 02:34 PM
    I ended up dropping the price to $85.5K plus $2K for the warranty (optional) on my white/black 997TT. Drop me a line or text if interested. 619.944.3603
  2. OUDeep
    05-26-2016 11:11 AM
    Its a 2007 White on Black PCCB 997TT...always lived in Dallas and bought and sold from the same dealership since birth...I'm the 3rd owner.

    Here is the autotrader link...let me know if you are interested...also just found out the Fidelity Platinum Warranty is transferrable for an extra $2500 - covers it through Oct 31, 2018 and 59K miles with a $250 deductible.


  3. Acetaminophen
    05-26-2016 03:53 AM
    Hey saw your post about you selling your 997 Turbo. Can you provide me some more information about it? Very interested.

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