Australia has the Coolest New Police Car

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Seriously, every other police force in the world gets the coolest cars imaginable. First you have the Emirates with their entire fleet of supercars. They’ve got a Veyron, a SLS, a few Aventadors, and a whole bunch of other awesomeness.


Then you have the British who have an Ariel Atom.


Now the Australians have a brand new Porsche 911 Carrera to add to their fleet of V8 RWD hoonmobiles!

The new car is going to the New South Wales police Department and was traded for the police department’s old Porsche Panamera. Unlike say the Emirates that need their supercars to chase down all the other supercars in the state, this Porsche is not likely to see any “real” action and is more for display and community events.


According to the police department’s statement on the new car, they hope it will generate positive interactions between the police and the community. If this was pulled here, the entire public would be outraged that the police force used tax payer dollars to fund buying a Porsche for display purposes only. It would literally have the entire opposite effect.


But just think for a moment that this car might actually be used, how scary would it be being hunted down from this? Answer, pretty scary.

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