A RAUH-Welt Porsche is an Automotive Mic Drop

A RAUH-Welt Porsche is an Automotive Mic Drop

In Los Angeles, you can’t throw a rock without hitting a Porsche product. Seriously, my Uber to LAX yesterday was a Porsche. It was a diesel Cayenne, but that’s still a Porsche. I guess. But given that the 911—along with BMW’s 3 Series— is basically LaLa Land’s equivalent of the Honda Accord, it ‘d be great […] More »

By: | November 5, 2014

Gumball 3000 With Team AnastasiaDate.com: One Hell of a Ride!

Gumball 3000 With Team AnastasiaDate.com: One Hell of a Ride!

“And you get paid for that?” Since I’ve been writing about cars, I’ve heard that phrase plenty of times. And damn, did I hear it a lot over the past few days. But that’s going to happen when you’re at your friend’s birthday party and you get to answer the innocuous “so how was your […] More »

By: | June 19, 2014

From Green and Mean: Edinburgh to London with Team AnastasiaDate.com

From Green and Mean: Edinburgh to London with Team AnastasiaDate.com

Despite the debauchery of the flight, Gumball Air arrived safely in Scotland, and even amidst the persistent partying, I was able to catch some shuteye—probably because I’m acclimated to a fair degree of degeneracy, but I’ve spent most of this week tired enough that I could fall asleep if I were being set on fire.

By: | June 10, 2014

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