Have a Hellcat? What Next? Hellcat Girl has the Answer!

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Let’s say you’re the proud owner of a Dodge Challenger (or Charger, but in this case Challenger) Hellcat, and you want to find some cool stuff to do with it. Maybe you want to start a YouTube channel in hopes of making money? But how do you bring in the views needed to get the Google to fill your piggy bank? Beautiful, bikini-clad women and burnouts, that’s how.

Look, this YouTube channel is by no means sophisticated. It’s not here to raise the level of discourse in the country. It’s designed to bring in as many YouTube viewers as possible by showing the Hellcat doing Hellcat things, like burnouts, drifts, power slides, and more.

Then to appeal even more to the macho male brain, add some very beautiful women wearing not a whole lot of clothing.


If that’s what you’re looking for in a YouTube channel, then Hellcat Girl is the channel you want to subscribe to. Besides, I can condone this more than the illegal street racing I’ve seen on other Hellcat channels. Though, it should be said that some of the stunts in this video are also probably illegal.

This channel is still worth mentioning. Why? Because, Hellcat.

What do you think? Let us know over in the forums!

via [autoevolution]

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