Can an iPhone Function as a Brake Pad?

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No. iPhones were not designed to provide stopping power for any type of automobile whatsoever, and I never imagined that I’d write an article asking this question. However, some inspiring individuals who run the YouTube channel EverythingApplePro thought it’d be a good idea to try it out.

The guys take a 2004 Porsche 911 Carrera and replace the brakes with a unit from a Turbo model. Then, instead of installing standard brake pads like a normal human being, they mount iPhones instead. In the front providing the pivotal stopping power are iPhone 5s models. In the rear, the smaller 4s provides the stopping grip.

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As you could probably expect, the iPhones were destroyed. Interestingly enough, one of them was still functional enough that you could see what’s on the screen, even though the touch screen was broken. Could it have made a phone call? Maybe.

The rest of the phones didn’t have as good of luck, and one even caught fire when the lithium ion battery pack was punctured.

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Look, I really don’t need to tell you guys that this is something you probably should never ever try. The end result was obviously going to be iPhone carnage. And if you’re looking for a unique approach to iPhone carnage, this is the video to watch.

What do you think? Let us know your thoughts over in the forums!

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