KSI Raps About a Lamborghini

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Mustang Sally, Little Deuce Coupe, and countless other songs have all been written about or involving cars throughout the ages.

Usually, the just mention the car a few times and are done with it. Not KSI. He decided what we really needed was a rap totally about Lamborghini.

Now that’s not to say that he’s talking about a specific Lamborghini, but rather Lamborghini as a whole, which makes not a lot of sense. Especially since the car in the video is an Aventador and not some regular Gallardo.

ks1 fly
However, what makes this song and video special, and definitely stand out is the Lamborghini Aventador that is in the video.

It seems to be the same Tron inspired Lamborghini that has been seen all around London for the past year and a half. It’s metallic purple with orange highlights that definitely add to the ridiculous factor that the Aventador already has. I just wish the song was better and the video showed more of the car.

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