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Scott in SS MD 07-15-2007 05:58 AM

Dinged the Porsche last night!
We were a victim of rocks being thrown from the side of 29 just before 175 in Columbia tonight. A very loud thud and my wife thought she was shot. We saw the windshield so I doubled back on the emergency access, backtracked and doubled back again when I saw the 1/2 dozen kids still throwing rocks and three other cars pulled over for the same reason. I cut across three lanes of heavy traffic, took a sharp right onto a gravel road, slid into the guardrail, continued up the driveway and right at the kids while they run into the woods. About 50 yards short of them. Leaving two bicycles behind. I jumped out of the car, SCREAMING things I have never said in my life, and my wife and daughter were hysterical in the car screaming to/at me to stop and get in the car. I ran right up to the tree line on 500% adrenaline ready to take on the world. Anyway, cops took 10 minutes while I am standing there looking at the kids trying to come back for there bikes. Cops chased them about a mile or so but no go. In the end, a police report, a shattered windshield (1 week old) and most likely a new bumper and left headlight. But we are all safe. I felt like Maximus tonight, and most likely did the right thing stopping when I did. Gotta go have a few shots of tequila with Wifee-poo and give my daughter a benadril so she can sleep.
Needed to vent cause I couldn't beat any arse tonight.

Kevinw23 07-15-2007 08:33 AM

I think that I would have done the exact same thing! Sucks you or the cops didn't get any of them.

Ven 07-15-2007 09:12 AM


I would report this to a local news station, to get the word out. …the more people aware of this problem and danger, the more pressure on the cops and the community (parents!) to put a stop to it. Someone can be seriously injured or killed taking a rock through the windshield. The danger is also to the kids (vandals) -- who knows, the next person to give chase just might be angry enough to pull a weapon.

Hopefully someone can put a stop to this.

adybuncio 07-15-2007 11:42 AM

I would have done the same, but prolly more if I was alone...

cohare 07-16-2007 12:38 PM

Did you take the bikes as comp? I would have and either tried to find the owners or put them on Ebay. Bastard kids....

This happned to me in Downtown baltimore in my max. I jumped out started chasing these kids down the sidewalk through some housing. Then I realized I was in a suit chasing kids through section 8 housing, this probably wasnt the best idea....

Hey welcome to Maryland!

str8blst 07-16-2007 02:18 PM

I wonder how the kids would have felt if you ran over their bikes... or took them... I have little to no patience for people who do things for their own personal amusment and put the lives of others in danger. Glad to hear you and your family are ok though...
A few years back my brothers wife drove under a overpass here in NJ. Some punk tossed a pool cue ball over the railing and the cue ball went right through the windsheild and into the back seat. If a child was in the back (thank god there wasn't) they probably would have been killed or seriously hurt. She was going around 60mph when this happened...

Jimbo 07-16-2007 02:21 PM

These stories are NUTS! I don't know how I would react in this situation, but it would definitely require a lot of self-restraint (but I know that probably wouldn't happen, so I would need the restraint of someone else IE Police).

I hope this all gets resolved, and you get everything taken care of, along with more compensation on top of that.

Things like this should not be taken lightly, and I'm glad you handled the situation accordingly.

Celestin 07-16-2007 02:29 PM

I know kids who would stand on the overpass and spit down on cars is something, but throwing objects down while cars are zooming by is beyond anything.

Jimbo 07-16-2007 02:30 PM

Originally Posted by Celestin
I know kids who would stand on the overpass and spit down on cars is something, but throwing objects down while cars are zooming by is beyond anything.

I have railroad tracks right near my house, and access is easy to get to them.

I have snuck up on quite a few kids attempting to throw things off the bridge, but usually, it is winter, and only snow balls.

One of these days, they will get a taste of their own medicine, when I bust out the paintball gun.

KJM3SMG 07-16-2007 09:06 PM

they'd be shot for sure if I was packin'... and I'd regret it later

Hopefully it doesn't happen to me and if it does I have restraint to just beat them to a pulp

BMWDEMON 07-17-2007 06:03 AM


Sorry to hear abotu this....that is pure craziness and I would have probably done the same thing...sorry you didn't get to beat anything up! Perhaps we should start a MD coalition to find these kids!


doccao 07-17-2007 12:26 PM

Same thing happened to me in my old CLK430, but was an actual gunshot!
Luckily no one got hurt, but as with you I felt violated and angry enough to commit capital punishment.

apex177 07-17-2007 12:28 PM

Sorry to hear the bad news. I went through the same thing hear in l.a. Cops just let the disrespectful kids go. Glad to hear no one was hurt.

Blair_MD 07-17-2007 01:58 PM

Where were they? North or South side? I drive that twice a day every day.

Well sorry it happened but thanks for the info, I'll stay in the left lane around there from now on.


K24madness 07-17-2007 04:23 PM

I would have run the bikes over for sure then leave them for the kids to find the next day. That would make em think twice next time around.

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