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mshanler 12-15-2009 02:10 PM

How do people feel about parking their 911 at work?
I've been getting some ribbing lately. Has anyone else gone through this?

............. "You drive that to work?!?!"

I try to stay low key - I don't flaunt it and I'm not a flashy person, but the car does stand out a bit. I'm not worried about my car getting keyed or anything like that.........but I need to preserve the intangibles that affect the professional relationships - especially with the folks I DON'T intimately know at work. Any insight on owner-psychology or how people handle this is appreciated.

utkinpol 12-15-2009 02:23 PM

Originally Posted by mshanler (Post 2654543)
I've been getting some ribbing lately. Has anyone else gone through this?

............. "You drive that to work?!?!"

I try to stay low key - I don't flaunt it and I'm not a flashy person, but the car does stand out a bit. I'm not worried about my car getting keyed or anything like that.........but I need to preserve the intangibles that affect the professional relationships - especially with the folks I DON'T intimately know at work. Any insight on owner-psychology or how people handle this is appreciated.

You saw me parking my car at Natick shops - I try to find secluded spot if I can but that`s all, I park it anywhere including downtown if I have to go there for meetings. As of toys - my manager has a 45ft ocean boat and 2 vacation houses, so, my used 911 car hardly qualifies as a status symbol for him. :)

My wife BTW forbids me to park my car next to her work and she does not want her coworkers to know we have 911. I do not understand why but simply obey. I guess some people are too shy or do not want to get into any complications that may arise from other people knowing you can afford such a thing.

NorthVan 12-15-2009 02:27 PM

I park my car on the street across from my office, it is safer then in a parking lot and not directly linked to me.

utkinpol 12-15-2009 02:29 PM

Originally Posted by NorthVan (Post 2654573)
I park my car on the street across from my office, it is safer then in a parking lot and not directly linked to me.

You can park for free on a street?! :eek:


Da Hapa 12-15-2009 02:45 PM

My 997S is a third car so it rarely gets driven to work. But when I do drive it to work, I make no apologies for driving it. We work very hard. We like cars. It's our treat to ourselves. If someone has an issue with that... then that's purely their issue and I don't care to engage in anyone's insecurities or concerns for appearances.

ZoSo_DXB 12-15-2009 02:47 PM

My opinion, park the car wherever u want and drive it as much as u please, u earned it. Peoples opinions don't matter anyways :p

Do they :confused:

tejoe 12-15-2009 02:52 PM

Really a difficult question with all the variables: who you are, how old you are, what you do, where you work, whom you work with, and so on. As with so many things in life, humility, friendliness, and courtesy go a long way to diffuse or enhance many 'situations'. Personally, I've experienced more "crap" from marginal members of our 2nd rate country club than I ever did at work.

Tattoo 12-15-2009 02:53 PM

Jealousy is a mother****er. I think that a lot of people would raise an eyebrow in disdain at the 911 or any other highline auto. As a matter of fact, I had an employee quit because he said he deserves my material possessions as much as I do. Jealousy does exist, and it is especially strong when we present this "Hollywood" image. You and I may not see ourselves as "Hollywood," but trust me, many others are disgusted by what they see as conspicuous comsumption.

NorthVan 12-15-2009 02:56 PM

Originally Posted by utkinpol (Post 2654578)
You can park for free on a street?! :eek:


Yes...for now. I am just outside downtown Vancouver. 1 Block away from the new Olympic Athletes Village.

Hella-Buggin' 12-15-2009 03:00 PM

I don't let any employees or clients know about my car. Employees will want a raise and clients will want a deal. It's nobody's business what I drive and how much I spent on a car.

I do park several blocks away at a better garage then the one at my office.

speedoflight 12-15-2009 03:03 PM

i drive my 4runner to work. last summer when giving my coworker a ride to our company picnic, he said to me "did you hear about the clunkers for cash program?" go figure... bastid...

RonCT 12-15-2009 03:10 PM

Considering the state of the economy you have to be a fool not to at least think about the message driving a 911 to work can send, especially if in a multi-tenant building. Think about this, some other company in your building is going down, people are laid off in waves until they close up shop. Maybe in your company people have had hour reductions, furloughs, layoffs, etc. And here you come in a shiny new Porsche 911... I'm not saying it's rational or justified because you made good choices that got you to where you are and you can afford to drive the car you want. But perception and reality are usually far apart.

Me, I never drive either of my Porsches to work and I own the company and even have a private garage space at my building, so it would be 100% secure. I worked hard building the company so I could buy what I want and I just don't gain any enjoyment driving the Porsche to work. Besides, it's a short commute. There are times I'm "on the road" for work and I'll swing by home to pick it up, especially if it's a windy road route to get to where I'm going. I don't specifically hide the car, but I also choose when and where I drive it for my own enjoyment and not so the world will see that I'm driving a Porsche. I know some guys that just couldn't bring themselves to drive their "lesser" car anywhere - have to have that Porsche out all the time. Me, I don't care what anyone thinks. I enjoy my A4 (manual, sport suspension) and it serves its function well. And I think that when I do drive the Porsches (Boxster S / 997.2S) it feels that much more special because it's not "old hat".

Cattman 12-15-2009 03:11 PM

If I am going to get to work, it's going to be in my 997s, as it's my only car, LOL!

I do think about the perception, and I used to be concerned about it as I think ultimately it does send a message that I am not sure I want to send out. Atlanta is a small community in my field, and everyone knows everyone.

However, I think a lot depends on how people who know you see you once they get to know you. If the only impression people have is of you in your Porsche, then perhaps it can be a bit Hollywood. But if they get to know you as a person, and see where the car fits into your life (in my case as a passion, a DIY hobby, etc.) I think it just becomes perhaps a cool quirk.

RyanJ 12-15-2009 03:24 PM

I've heard that statement before. I've always taken a little grief for parking at work.

Work-relationships are key...even if you are your own boss. When I first started with the sports cars, I only drove on weekends..then I warmed up to daily driving, but still only parked far away from the building entrance.:( I didn't want my cars in plain view of coworkers (superiors, colleagues, and my direct reports). Even after I was running the show, I never parked so I could "be seen",but by then, pretty much everyone knew.

Unfortunately, a 911 attracts attention whether you want it to or not. None of this was in the owners manual. You have the key to what most guys want.


mshanler 12-15-2009 03:40 PM

I've been bringing it to work maybe once a week max...........but now I'm only parking in areas where most of my colleagues don't. Its an office complex with 8 companies sharing 3 lots (~ 1000 people).

...trying to make good choices and be a responsible owner...

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