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yrralis1 07-10-2010 10:20 PM

I got nailed by flying debris
It was a beautiful day at Delray Beach . The drive up was nice , the sun was bright, and my Gf was having fun along with me . A dip in the ocean , a nice walk, and a great dinner was just a pefect day.

UNTIL -- the drive home .

so we're driving on the highway and suddenly with no time to react it came flying . The car next to me hit it first because I heard a crunch only to look and there it was flying directly at the side of my car . It was large and metal .. looked like a muffler .

The outcome -
We are both ok .
Two dents one large scratch .
The first dent is small right above the clear side marker . I am guessing that a dent specialst can fix it.
The second dent is not as pretty. It's on the driver door and even though it's small the pant is scratched large enough where the door will have to be painted. :mad:

It's Saturday night and I have to give kudos to the guys in the shop who have known me for years because I called them at home on their night off ( we have become friends over the years) along with my insurance company.

My gf was sad too .
I keep looking at it .
At least it wasn't the Turbo .
I'm kinda glad I didn't trade it for the Gt3RS.
And no --I am not trading or selling it .It's not that bad but to me even a ding is bad .

I guess I am just wallowing in pity .

Cattman 07-10-2010 10:28 PM

Wow, I am glad you are alright, Larry, that's scary!
Forget the car, you are your boyfriend are safe, and that's what matters.

I know this is going to be tough for you since you are a perfectionist, but at the end of the day a car is just a bunch of metal, and you can't take it with you.

lacrosse 07-10-2010 10:39 PM

That totally sucks. Glad that you and the gf are OK.

One of my pet peaves is people that drive around with mufflers and/or other stuff hanging from the underside of their car. These morons don't realize what hazards they pose.

yrralis1 07-10-2010 10:42 PM

Originally Posted by Cattman (Post 2904321)
Wow, I am glad you are alright, Larry, that's scary!
Forget the car, you are your boyfriend are safe, and that's what matters.

I know this is going to be tough for you since you are a perfectionist, but at the end of the day a car is just a bunch of metal, and you can't take it with you.

I don't have a boyfriend . I have a girlfriend ;).
I am goiung to post pics .
I do appreciate the supportive wishes.
Yeah --I am bummed .

NorthVan 07-10-2010 10:46 PM

Sorry to hear about the bad news, but it is just a car.

yrralis1 07-10-2010 10:47 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here's the LEAST of it .
It was large enough that it brushed the car on the side marker and the driver's door.

The side marker only got a dent .


stockid 07-10-2010 10:47 PM

Sorry to read that Larry. Glad you and your girlfriend are fine. Now to pay the deductable ugh!:mad:

bonehead 07-10-2010 10:48 PM

Originally Posted by yrralis1 (Post 2904332)
I don't have a boyfriend . I have a girlfriend ;).
I am goiung to post pics .
I do appreciate the supportive wishes.
Yeah --I am bummed .

I was waiting for someone to catch that:)
Larry, so sorry to hear about the damage. Best thing to do is get it fixed ASAP. Everytime you look at it will just gnaw at you (I've been there). Fix her up good as new and all will (eventually) be forgotten.

yrralis1 07-10-2010 10:53 PM

3 Attachment(s)
This is the worst of it . The drivers door got hit hard . Here's two different angles of the dent . It has a small scratch and behind it is the large scratch . I even considered the idea of a dent specialist and touch up paint with a pro detail but I am going to get multiple opinions and make the choice.

Cattman 07-10-2010 11:00 PM

Yes, girlfriend, sorry about that, very glad you and she are safe. Looks like a nasty gash, hope it can be repaired without too much hassle.

I had a lug nut from an 18 wheeler hit my roof, in 2 places. It was from a Pepsi truck, but I didn't get the plates. It happens, it's just a car. Jerry Seinfeld told me the same thing about his Gmund Coupe and his CGT. It's metal, not life.

yrralis1 07-10-2010 11:04 PM

Originally Posted by stockid (Post 2904336)
Sorry to read that Larry. Glad you and your girlfriend are fine. Now to pay the deductable ugh!:mad:

The insurance gave me choices . First off it's considered comprehensive so it won't effect my premium and i have no idea what it will cost yet.
I did express that I don't want paint on my car and that most body shops will want to spray . I expressed that it may take multiple parties to repair it but I also made it clear that i would pay for it out of pocket rather than have inferior work.

They offered to have it appraised and cut me a check on the spot or I can take to to any shop I want and have them document and submit to paperwork to them for review . I chose the second route .. I want the guys I have the most confidence in to work on my car . I trust their knowledge and sincerity .

ntlgnt1 07-10-2010 11:05 PM

Wow, that is a hard hit for road debris. Totally sucks, but at least the area you got hit is easily fixable and won't disrupt the dynamics of your car. Glad you and your gf are safe, be thankful it didn't fly into the windshield.

Jay Jones 07-10-2010 11:08 PM

Sorry to hear about the damage Larry, thank God it didn't come through the windshield! You and your girl are okay, that's clearly the most important thing. Good luck with the repairs, hopefully everything will go nice and smooth.


johnstoy 07-10-2010 11:13 PM

Dents can be fixed. Could have been a LOT worse:

Locally yesterday.

yrralis1 07-10-2010 11:14 PM

Originally Posted by ntlgnt1 (Post 2904354)
Wow, that is a hard hit for road debris. Totally sucks, but at least the area you got hit is easily fixable and won't disrupt the dynamics of your car. Glad you and your gf are safe, be thankful it didn't fly into the windshield.

It was hard . Had it been higher it would have hit the drivers window because it flung from the car beside me . Either he hit it before me or it fell off his car --but i think he hit it because i heard a crunch and then saw the metal object about to hit . My Gf didn't even see it and neither did I until it was right there .

Can you imagine if a motorcycle had enounted this ? eesh.

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