Conversation Between sechsgang and Tragedy
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. sechsgang
    11-08-2011 04:52 PM
    Pretty much a lucky streak mixed with coming from a healthy family as well. Surround yourself with good people and things are bound to happen is pretty much the story. Good luck you you in the real-estate game.
  2. Tragedy
    11-08-2011 03:14 PM
    hey, came across a thread where the 25yr old makes 200k a year and saw your car list and you stated you were young as well. I just turned 24 and trying to get myself a porsche or something of that sort. Out of curiosity, what do you guys do for a living to be able to afford those cars? or did your parents help?

    I just graduated University and just got into the real estate game, so hopefully it works out.

    thanks man

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