Jay Leno Discovers the Joy of Koenigsegg

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Jay Leno is one of the current kings of all things automotive. His collection is massive. His knowledge base is unheard of. And his denim closet is enviable. However, even he can get blown away from a car. He still gets excited about new things, and new cars, and new car makers.

This week on Jay Leno’s Garage, Jay welcomes Christian Von Koenigsegg to his garage to play with the all new Koenigsegg CCX Trevita.


The car you see here is fully legal in the United States, it makes 1,000 horsepower, uses a twin supercharged V8, and weighs half as much as a Veyron. Oh yeah, and Trevita means triple white in Swedish, and the name is due to the white carbon fiber weave that the car uses as its body.

Koenigseggs have always been known for their hair raising specs and figures, but what does a car guy like Jay Leno think about the car and the brand? Find out here.

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