Kawasaki’s H2R Is Scary Quick

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With the new H2R, Kawasaki, can now claim the top speed prize for the fastest production motorcycle on earth. And no, I’m not counting that jet powered Rolls Royce thing that was built a few years ago, since only 5 or 6 of those ever got built in the first place.

For those that have been living under a rock the past few months, Kawasaki has been slowly unveiling the company’s newest street rocket, the H2R. Using a modified supercharged 1,000cc motor, the new Kawasaki is said to be the fastest and most powerful bike ever. With over 300 horsepower being made, the new H2R is just a ridiculous piece of engineering, and the surest way to kill yourself quickly.


Just how fast is this bike though? Well, a few weeks ago some British journalists got their hands on both the H2 and the H2R for a quick little track test. And by quick, we mean quick as all heck, as you can see in the video below.

How does over 221 mph sound from the stock motor? I’d say it sounds terrifying. Especially since I’ve personally done 200 on a bike, and that was indeed a truly scary experience.

When this bike finally goes on sale, there won’t be a tree or ditch without one of these bikes lodged squarely in one.

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via [MCN – Motorcyclenews.com]

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