Lamborghini Drops the Aventador SV Price

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Lamborghini Aventador SV (4)

While everyone is salivating over the new Lamborghini Aventador SV, everyone seems to have forgotten that these exclusive Lamborghinis tend to costs the equivalent to putting a man on the moon.

And to reiterate that sentiment, Lamborghini finally announced the pricing on its new Bull, and you’d better sit down.

Lamborghini Aventador SV-slider

Because the starting price for Lamborghini’s ultimate Aventador is a mind numbing $493,095. Ouch. That’s right folks, the new Lamborghini Aventador SV will cost you a cool half million to play with. While that’s a huge amount of money for anything, you are getting one of the fastest cars money can buy.

Compared to its supercar brethren, the Aventador SV is practically a steal when you consider the price tags on many other supercars it goes up against. Take for instance the Koenigsegg Agera, or the Pagani Huayra, Porsche 918, or the Ferrari LaFerrari. All have equal or slightly higher performance figures, but tend to costs twice or nearly four times as much as the new bull.

Lamborghini Aventador SV (5)

While I’m not saying that the Aventador SV is the bargain of the century, it’s definitely not the most expensive way to hit 220 mph.

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