Motorcycles Actually Make for Pretty Cool Interior Decorations

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One of the positives about living in a place like Los Angeles (where I live) is that there is no such thing as “motorcycle season.” There are essentially no seasons in L.A. It’s just always warm to hot. It might get down to 50, but that’s barely a swing. And that means there’s never a time when riding a motorcycle is off the table. That’s not quite the case in Russia.


In Russia, it gets cold. Like, face-crackingly cold, and for a majority of the winter, cities like Moscow are covered in snow and ice. Unfortunately for riders, there isn’t a whole lot of storage, so they’re forced to take extreme measures to keep their bikes safe from the elements. That means bringing their motorcycles into their domiciles.


Lucky for them, though it might be a hassle and inconvenience to get their rides into their apartments and homes, the bikes actually don’t look to bad as pieces of rolling art. After all, auto and moto design is beautiful in its own way. If nothing else, it’s a conversation starter! Check out more images here.

Via [EnglishRussia]

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