Is This the Stig and Darth Vader in a Porsche 550?

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There are moments of jet lag where your eyes start to play tricks on you, and your mind multiplies that by a factor of ten. Such was today when I came across this image.

I first thought I still needed much more sleep from my recent outing to Los Angeles.

Then I had to ask if I was actually awake.

I finally came upon the realization that I wasn’t going insane, or drunk, and that what was happening in front of me was real. Why, who, or why again this happened is beyond me, but that’s definitely The Stig riding in a Porsche 550 with Darth Vader.

It puts a whole other spin on, “I am your father.” Maybe the Stig is Anakin’s father, some say he’s made up of pure Midichlorians? Who knows.

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