An Update on the Lamborghini Urus

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Lamborghini has been going back and forth on whether or not the company should put the Urus into production. On the one hand it would expand its market share and directly compete with its siblings at Porsche and Audi, as well with the M division and AMG division in the performance SUV market.

On the other hand, they are Lamborghini and do they really want to dilute the brand with a SUV. Sure it makes marketing sense in the short term, but they would need to pull something seriously good out of their hats to ensure it’s a success and not another LM002.


While the company is still internally debating on whether or not the car should be put into production, rumor has it that the company would like to place the price tag for the Urus at the same or around the same level as the entry level Huracan sports car which is around $240,000.

That would make the Urus the most expensive SUV on the market, and something that Lamborghini would need to live up to. It doesn’t pay to have the most expensive thing and it not truly work for both the consumer and the company. Personally, I never liked the Urus, it just looked a bit too odd for me.

Plus the idea of a Lamborghini SUV just doesn’t compute in my head. I know they made one before, but it was a failure and that doesn’t really inspire confidence.

Sure it was at a time where the company was in more hands than a dollar bill, and now they have VAG backing them. I just don’t think they could pull it off. I want them to make more leery cars, more RWD, more power, more pantomime style ridiculousness.

If it does happen, look for a more production based concept possibly this year or the next to hit the auto show circuit. Sound off in the comments, yay or nay to a Lamborghini SUV?>>

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