Viper Rumor: A Supercharged V10 Super Snake with 800 Horsepower

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Because it’s baby brother was getting all the attention from all the special auto journalists, and everyone with eyes, the Dodge Viper has been feeling left out of the fun. People were making fun of the super snake.

They said hurtful things like, “oh you only have 600 horsepower, that’s so cute,” and “you aren’t a real muscle car or a supercar.” Those comments made the Viper sad and angry. So angry that it went out and got itself a supercharger for its 8.3L V10! Just to shut everyone up and have them start talking about it again!

We live in a world where even within a company, two cars can go against each other in a horsepower arms race. After Dodge had confirmed the Hellcat twins, there was a lot of talk about how the Viper just didn’t stack up against them or really any of the other supercars anymore. Being that the Viper is Dodge’s Halo car, they needed to take these talks seriously, and the rumor is they did.

According to Allpar, Dodge got a hold of some prototype supercharged V10 engines to test out in the new Viper. Now information is scant, but assume a big jump in horsepower for the car to the tune of around 800 hp! That figure though presents a problem for Dodge, they don’t make any transmission that can handle that much power.

They also don’t make a suspension that can put that type of power to the road. So if the rumor is true and we are going to be getting that bigger new engine, look for the Viper to have some substantial retooling. So much so, that in my opinion, rather than making it the base for all Vipers, it will probably be a special edition like the T/A or ACR.

There really isn’t any time frame associated with the new engines, if they get the stamp of approval at the moment, but Dodge can’t wait too long to release the car in fear of the Hellcat twins taking more of their halo cars spotlight.

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