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thealexman 05-11-2010 07:21 PM

How do you guys deal with the bird #!^%@#?
Hey Guys,

Unfortunately I don't have the luxury of keeping my car garaged for the majority of the spring/summer months. Even worse, I have to park under this damn tree, which while great for keeping the sun off, is absolutely miserable when it comes to other things. Most notably, it provides the ideal spot for birds to line up with their laser sights and make a mess out of my car ever single time i wash it...without fail, and totally on purpose. What do you guys use to remove some errant crap without going through a whole wash. I don't have the option of a hose hook up (stupid assigned condo parking space), and my rampant OCD would not allow me to bucket wash a few spots without then driving to Scrub a Dub and washing the entire car again...

Thanks for any and all input.


adias 05-11-2010 07:26 PM

Make sure you have applied a good paint sealant glaze; perhaps you need to reapply every couple of months. I recommend Klasse Sealant Glaze or Rejex. Clean the mess as quickly as possible with a quick detailer.

HxCforlife 05-11-2010 07:37 PM

Being from Jersey also i know where you are coming from. Something the the jersey birds eat that makes them crap a ton lol. I use a sprey detailer and a micro cloth to get it off works pretty good. Or get some warm water as well.

Auto_Union 05-11-2010 08:26 PM


First get a damp sponge and place it on the spot for a minute or two. DO NOT WIPE IT YET, just place it there and walk away. This will soften it up. Don't even think about trying to remove it before you do this or you'll scratch the hell out your paint. This is especially true if the bird sh*t has any blueberries or seeds in it. :eek:

Once it's soft remove it with a wet paper towel. I suggest using a paper towel so you can simply throw it away. Try to surround it and "round it up" with the towel. Avoid pressing it down into the paint. As I said above sometime it has seeds in it which can make it extremely abrasive.

Finally, apply some spray detailer with a soft micro fiber cloth. I like to use Speed Shine from Griot's Garage. :D

Edit: Congrats on your new Golf. Now I have to punch you in the arm and yell out "gray one" - LOL! hilarious

winkingchef 05-11-2010 08:33 PM

Get one of those plastic owls and put it in an obvious spot near the tree, but out of reach of kids. No birds, no birdsh*t.

Also, car covers work vs sun and poop. Given that you don't drive it everyday (the VW), this is probably worth the investment. Get a sturdy outdoor one.

yrralis1 05-11-2010 08:42 PM

Agree with everything said on the thread . Bird droppings can scratch and even stain the paint. I think the sun is better than the tree idea (as bad as that may sound) .

ryem3 05-11-2010 08:53 PM

Originally Posted by Auto_Union (Post 2836836)

Finally, apply some spray detailer with a soft micro fiber cloth. I like to use Speed Shine from Griot's Garage. :D

I use Speed Shine as well and one of their ultra soft car wash towels. Spray it on, let it loosen the crap, and just wipe it off. Using it is like watching a guy in a commercial. Works perfectly. Not a trace left and it takes no effort. Assumes you have a good coat of wax, of course. But I'm sure you do. ;)
While you're shopping there, pick up an orbital polisher, you'll be addicted!

thealexman 05-11-2010 09:38 PM

Thanks for all the input guys...I definitely didn't want to rush right into it, you never know what those birds are eating, but almost blew my stack after spending all that time on it again today. I think the Boston birds take note of my Jersey plates sometimes too...brutal. +1 on the Jersey birds, too much damn White Castle. I will totally look into the car cover, before the Pcar was my DD so it wasn't feasible, now...it's looking better all the time.


thealexman 05-11-2010 09:43 PM

Originally Posted by Auto_Union (Post 2836836)

Edit: Congrats on your new Golf. Now I have to punch you in the arm and yell out "gray one" - LOL! hilarious

Haha, thanks Auto...I was actually joking with a buddy of mine today about that. Everyone at work punched me the first day I had it.


Targa Tim 05-11-2010 10:24 PM

at home, quick detailer and cloth.

on the road, saliva and starbuck's napkin.:eek:

calypso 05-11-2010 11:07 PM

Just get that **** off as quick as possible. If your car is sealed/waxed, bird **** and cut through that pretty quick and leave some unsightly marks.

Hella-Buggin' 05-12-2010 06:43 AM

what about one of those car tents. It's like a collapsible car port.
That'll keep it out of the sun as well.

type997 05-12-2010 06:56 AM

Originally Posted by ryem3 (Post 2836880)
I use Speed Shine as well and one of their ultra soft car wash towels. Spray it on, let it loosen the crap, and just wipe it off. Using it is like watching a guy in a commercial. Works perfectly. Not a trace left and it takes no effort. Assumes you have a good coat of wax, of course. But I'm sure you do. ;)
While you're shopping there, pick up an orbital polisher, you'll be addicted!

I replaced Speed Shine with Griot's Spray On Car Wash. It seems to work even better than Speed Shine for bird poop and bug strikes. The bottle describes Spray On Car Wash as "Highly Lubricious." It feels that way too, very slick stuff, highly recommended!

thealexman 05-12-2010 07:08 AM

Originally Posted by yrralis1 (Post 2836859)
Agree with everything said on the thread . Bird droppings can scratch and even stain the paint. I think the sun is better than the tree idea (as bad as that may sound) .

Truer words never spoken...sadly, I'm assigned spot #4 (each spot is attached to a specific unit) and that's right under the damn tree. I jokingly told someone on the condo board I was going to burn the tree down...they were not amused.


henrysko 05-12-2010 08:40 AM

Sweet revenge....


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