Full Afterburner: Evel Knievel’s SkyCycle Rocket Costs a Million Bucks

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The times they are a changing. The sight of a 430 Scud barely makes me bat an eyelash. Revving my Lamborghini Reventon Roadster fails to give me goosebumps. And honestly, with rising gas prices and traffic at every turn in Los Angeles, driving just doesn’t seem fun or practical anymore. I’m feeling adrenaline deficient and I bet many of you are with me. I needed a kick, a boost, a charge if you will. And then I found it:  a piece of Evel Knievel’s X-2 SkyCycle rocket from a 1970s failed jump listed here .

It’s not the full rocket but for $1 million, some elbow grease, and perseverance I could have my own rocketship to get me around town. I mean, this is 2013 not 1974. I’m pretty sure we’re closer to personal space travel right? And since I’m not selfish, always taking the needs of 6Speed readers under consideration, I’m posting this opportunity here for any other ambitious transportation junkies who share my dream of single-serving rocket launching.

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