How to Build Your Own Batcave

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What would you do if you hit the lotto next week? Would you invest it all, would you buy your Mom a Cadillac and a nice house? Or would you buy every supercar you love and build a Batcave replica to house them in? If you answered yes to the second option, then someone already beat you to it.

Details of where this modern-day real life Batcave is actually located aren’t known, neither is how much it cost to build, maintain, or even inner details on how it operates, but one thing is for sureā€”it’s real.


The states that the Batcave featured in the Dark Night movie was the one and only inspiration for the build, though the lifting tennis court to access the Batcave was the owner’s very own idea. I mean, how else would you access your own Batcave, a garage door? Nah, that’s too normal.

Still, unless he’s flying into his Batcave through a waterfall, he isn’t as cool as the Dark Night himself.

bat cave







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Photos and story via: [The Molecule Web]

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