80% of Driver Show ‘Significant Aggression’ Behind the Wheel

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Have you ever suffered from aggression while driving? Have you ever flipped the bird to a fellow motorist? What about yelled an obscenity to someone else? Well, if you have, you’re certainly not alone.

According to a study by AAA, Nearly 80 percent of drivers have expressed “significant anger, aggression, or road rage” while driving at least once in the past year. This statistic is even more shocking when combined with the fact that males between the ages of 19 and 39 were much more likely to drive aggressively.


In fact, AAA says that males are more than three times as likely to get out of their vehicle and confront another driver and even intentionally hit another vehicle. While all of these statistics can sometimes under or overestimate many trends and behaviors, road rage is a real problem in this country, and many others alike.

These results derived from an AAA survey answered by 2,705 licensed drivers.

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Story via: [MotorTrend]

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