Honda Makes NSX Available! As a 3D Printed Model…

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I’ll admit it. In a past life, I was a major Honda fanboy.

Perhaps I’ve been holding onto (way too rosey-colored) memories of their commitment to efficient performance with cutting edge engines defined by their ultra high-revving character and purposeful weight shedding/distribution implementations.

But as I walked through a quiet and lonely Honda exhibition floor at the 2013 LA Auto Show, a latent realization hit me like a ton of bricks. Nothing within Honda’s line interested me in the slightest. Concepts, production, no interest, none (or Acura for that matter).

Once I saw this video about Honda, I couldn’t believe what I realized next (just kidding, damn you Upworthy style headlines). Seriously though, once I saw this video and the news that Honda would be releasing really awesome downloadable 3D printer files for a handful of their recent concept vehicles (including the NSX), it made me wonder to myself, just when did Honda turn into the gimmicky, under-delivering company as I currently see it as?

Not that I don’t see them as innovators with compelling possibilities and interesting concepts (Asimo stuff, hydrogen cell tech, NSX was one of the first to pioneer the “hybrid supercar” concept, etc.), but honestly, it’s pretty dissapointing to note that none of these interesting concepts ever hit the production floor.

If anything, just consider this my long-winded rant on wanting to see a real NSX, not a toaster-sized 3D printer model of it.


Just toss us a bone. PLEASE.

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