Supra News! A “Boyota” (BMW/Toyota) Version is Coming Soon

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Great news everyone, the Supra is coming back! Hooray! Ok, so we don’t know exactly when or in what form, but it’s unofficially coming back!

Let me explain, recently the Nikkei Asian Review reported that the joint venture between BMW and Toyota would be producing the next generation Z4 and the new Supra.

We’ve known for a while that BMW and Toyota were working together on some form of sports car platform that the two automakers would share.


Rumors suggested everything from a range topping halo car with a price tag of hundreds of thousands of dollars, to something more akin to a new generation of Z1 and MR2 type cars.

With this new report that Nikkei doesn’t cite their source which could mean ominous things, but the idea of a middle range model would make the most sense for both Toyota and BMW. BMW already has a range topping halo car with the i8 and the forthcoming 9 series.


The real story here though is the Supra. When it was first announced that the two manufacturer’s would be creating a joint sports car, everyone kinda flipped out because we all thought that the new iteration of the Supra would be GTR or Porsche priced. But the Z4 tops out at around $55,000, that is still quite a bit of money, but that’s still attainable.


The report goes further and states that the platforms could be ready to be on the road by 2017. With the introduction this year of the FT-1 and if you pay attention to the concept cycle such as the FR-S/BRZ, that’s right about the same time period it took Toyota and Subaru to bring the twins to market, then we may see the new Supra in the coming year as another concept.

I think I speak for many of us in saying, PLEASE TOYOTA DON’T TEASE US! BRING BACK THE SUPRA!

Do feel the same way about it? Agree or disagree on the forum >>

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