Lamest Lamborghini Ever? Say Hello to the Trumpventador

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No, unfortunately the Trumpventador isn’t some sort of sick and twisted joke. Someone actually wrapped their nearly half-million dollar Lamborghini Aventador in Donald Trump’s face.

Regardless whether you like Trump as a candidate or not, we can all agree that when it comes to good-looking male specimens, he is certainly not one. So while the owner of this Lambo may want to spread Trump’s message to the masses, he should’ve really left his face out and focus on key messaging instead.

Wrapped specifically for the 2016 Gold Rush Rally, the stunning and devilishly-fast V12 Lamborghini features key phrases that Trump has become known for. Quotes like “You’re fired,” along with his “Make America Great Again” campaign slogan are splattered all across the car.


While Trump has been known to own a Lamborghini or two, his stance against foreign built vehicles has become a big chunk of his presidential argument, so I wonder how he feels about an Italian Trumpventador bearing his name. My guess is that as long as the car and the owner worship him and his campaign—he won’t give two sh*ts.

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Via: [Autoblog]

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