If You Snooze, You Lose! McLaren 675LT is Already Sold Out

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After picking my jaw up off the ground, and rearranging my face after it was melted off by the sheer brilliance that is the McLaren 650S, I was forever ruined for most normal cars. Nothing can compare to that amazing piece of engineering and speed.

The way it shifts, the way it brakes, and the way it accelerates is like nothing I had ever witnessed. Not once in my short time with the car did I ever think, “this needs to be more hardcore, and faster.” However, McLaren did, so they built the 675LT.

Developed to not only go head to head against the likes of the Ferrari 488 GTB, and what Lamborghini is cooking up with the more hardcore Huracan, the 675LT is a track focused supercar that adds more everything to an already ridiculously astonishing car and pays homage to one of the greatest cars of all time. The McLaren F1 GTR Longtail.


Horsepower on the new McLaren is set at 666, which is a perfect number for this devilishly fast supercar. It is also capable of hitting 62 miles per hour in just 2.9 seconds, and will go on to accelerate to a top speed of over 205 miles per hour. Due to that new exterior and “longtail,” the McLaren 675 will also stop on a dime thanks to the now much larger air brake.


Only 500 of the cars will ever be produced, and McLaren stated today that not only has production begun on the car, but also that all 500 units were already sold out. Hopefully then, if you had enough money, you already got yours because your chance to own something nothing short of staggering is gone.

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