Chris Harris Explores the F-Type Coupe

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jaguar f-type coupe

Chris Harris thinks the Jaguar F-Type coupe may be the best Jaguar of his generation, and I want to agree. I spent a week with the F-Type convertible and found it to be an angry little demon of a car. It ate tires like a beaver snacking on toothpicks, and as you’ll see in the video, that hasn’t been engineered out. Loud? You have no idea. They programmed artillery fire into the exhaust and if the sound won’t stop traffic, the looks will. The coupe is even better looking.

And it’s faster. They’ve added 50 unnecessary horsepower.

But, on to Chris’ proclamation. The E-Type is held high as the best Jaguar ever. Some may argue the XK SS, but I think the E-Type is prettier, and more accessible. Don’t even say XJ220.

But now there’s the F-Type, delivering modern performance in a box that is every bit as stunning as the E-Type. Hard to argue with that math. I know I’m smitten. I would daily drive this car in a second. Beauty, brawn, mischief; it is everything I want in a car. Watch the video to see what Chris’ pros and cons are, how well it drifts, and how it holds up to the 911.

Zack Klapman is a Senior Editor for The Smoking Tire, and  produces “TUNED” and “BIG MUSCLE” on the /DRIVE Network. He can be found on Twitter.

via [/DRIVE Network]

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