Guy Drives Lamborghini Through Ocean Waves

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I suppose if I were an wealthy business man, I would drive my Lamborghini Gallardo into the ocean as well.

Wait. No I wouldn’t.

But this guy does. Meet Julian Pencilliah. He’s a venture capitalist, owns a Lamborghini, and apparently, loves the surf. His motto is “Bite luck on the ass. Fear is just an impulse”. Indeed.

I guess I can understand the allure of driving along the beach, crashing through waves. I mean, those TaxtheRich guys took a Rolls Royce sliding sideways through a field. Doing something in a car that it wasn’t built for is generally something I support… But i can’t help but cringe every time he drives through a particularly deep wave. I know, it’s basically like driving through a giant salty puddle, but salt water and expensive cars don’t mix very well.

Would you do it? Let us know in the comments.

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