Murdered Out Panamera Camera Car is Kinda Cool

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Murdered Out Panamera Camera Car is Kinda Cool
The fact that someone found a use for the Panamera outside of racing M5s is all well and good, but I really didn’t expect it to be such a cool looking camera car.

The weirdest part is that glass hump where the rear window used to be. That space is where the camera operator sits and controls the boom. Probably not sexiest body modification, but still kinda cool. Function over form and all that. Same goes for the vinyl. It’s black so that no glare gets in the shot.

It might seem like Panamera is overkill for something like this, but sports cars like this generally make really good cam cars. Camera gear is heavy camera cars need to be fast. High horsepower, a long wheel base and sharp handling make the Panamera a good fit. Here are a few more examples of similar cars.

source [Rennlist]

via [Jalopnik]

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